The Huddlestone Arch at the north end of Central Park. It would have come out better if I'd taken it when the sun was shining on the bridge, but this will have to do until next year!
An early morning view of the San Francisco Bay Bridge. I'd been hoping for clear weather, but the clouds didn't turn out too badly either. I particularly like the lights of the port of Oakland in the far distance.
When I saw this guy in Soho with a cat I asked if I could take his photo, but he wasn't really giving me his full attention so I can't count it as a portrait. Last weekend I saw him again in Union Square, so it looks like he's a local celebrity.
A view over the river from Hudson Highlands State Park. I've been wanting to take shot like this with the sun shining through leaves for quite a while, it's frustrating that autumn only comes once a year!
Wandering around the Lower East Side I walked past a cafe that had a kitchen facing the street, which is pretty unusual -- most places have it hidden away from public view. Luckily I had my camera with me.