Since the expedition to the
Gowanus Canal a few months ago I've been on the look out for similar places to go, and a visit to the Ikea store in Brooklyn awakened my interest in Red Hook. I've always been drawn to the Red Hook (the name helps of course), and on a subway map it always looks vast and remote. It turns out that it's not really that hard to get to, in fact it's right next to the canal! Walking along the deserted waterfront I took a couple of photos of the landscape.
Black swan |
A swan and some unidentified and abandoned industrial structure, so it's pretty much another post-industrial landscape. Looking at this again I should have taken this from lower to get more of the two interesting things in the picture and less intervening water, but you learn some things with practice. And the swan wasn't staying still, either. (Update: this is probably a goose, not a swan.)
Idle cranes |
These looked like they haven't been used for quite a while, and since this is right next to the Ikea store, I hardly imagine they see a lot of traffic.
If you look carefully you'll find something hidden in this photo!